Tag Archives: psychological thriller

Book Title:
Phantom Limb
Book Author:
Lucinda Berry
Page Count:
Publishing Date:
July 10th, 2017
Kindle Press
Date Read:
February 27th, 2020
Kindle Edition
Prime Reading


Emily and Elizabeth spend their childhood locked in a bedroom and terrorized by a mother who drinks too much and disappears for days. The identical twins are rescued by a family determined to be their saviors.

But there’s some horrors love can’t erase…

Elizabeth wakes in a hospital, strapped to her bed and unable to move or speak. The last thing she remembers is finding Emily’s body in their bathroom. Days before, she was falling in love and starting college. Now, she’s surrounded by men who talk to themselves and women who pull out their eyebrows.

As she delves deeper into the mystery surrounding Emily’s death, she discovers shocking secrets and holes in her memory that force her to remember what she’s worked so hard to forget—the beatings, the blood, the special friends. Her life spins out of control at a terrifying speed as she desperately tries to unravel the psychological puzzle of her past before it’s too late.

My Review

Okay, I had never read anything by this author before this, and I seriously didn’t expect to love this book as much as I did. This is definitely the best book I’ve read so far in 2020. In fact, this … Continue reading

5 stars
Book Title:
Baby Teeth
Book Author:
Zoje Stage
Page Count:
Publishing Date:
July 17th, 2018
St. Martin's Press
Date Read:
August 2nd, 2018
I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review - Thank you!


Sweetness can be deceptive.

Meet Hanna.

She’s the sweet-but-silent angel in the adoring eyes of her Daddy. He’s the only person who understands her, and all Hanna wants is to live happily ever after with him. But Mommy stands in her way, and she’ll try any trick she can think of to get rid of her. Ideally for good.

Meet Suzette.

She loves her daughter, really, but after years of expulsions and strained home schooling, her precarious health and sanity are weakening day by day. As Hanna’s tricks become increasingly sophisticated, and Suzette's husband remains blind to the failing family dynamics, Suzette starts to fear that there’s something seriously wrong, and that maybe home isn’t the best place for their baby girl after all.

My Review

Wow.  This book.  Just…wow. I’m not going to lie – writing a review for this book is going to be a bit difficult, because my feelings on it are a bit conflicted.  I really enjoyed Baby Teeth, because I absolutely … Continue reading

4.5 stars