Review Policy

**NOTE:  Due to lack of time and my writing schedule, I’m currently only accepting review requests from publishers, or authors that I’ve worked with before.**

General Information

As you can probably tell, my blog is focused on teen and young adult fiction.  That doesn’t mean that I won’t do a random review for another genre, such as literary fiction, fantasy, horror, or new adult, but the majority of the books that I read and review are young adult.  However, I will do reviews for other books, including coloring books (print versions only for coloring books, because I like to include pictures in my reviews).

When it comes to young adult fiction, I accept all genres.  Have a young adult fantasy book?  Great!  How about a young adult romance?  Awesome!  I’m pretty much open to all genres when it comes to young adult fiction, so feel free to contact me about book reviews for them:, or you can use the Contact form on the Contact Page.

For reviews, I currently accept:

-Print books
-Print ARCs
-e-books in Kindle (mobi) format only
-eARCs in Kindle (mobi) format only
-Coloring books


Review Information

If I agree to read and review your book, I usually will give you a time frame for when I will have the review up on my blog (usually I manage to read the book and get the review up within two weeks, and no later than a month).  If you need it up quicker than the time I give you (for example, if you want the review up before the release date, which is two weeks away), then please let me know in the initial request so that I can see if I have time in my schedule to make that happen for you.

While I try to accept all review requests, there are times that I might have to turn them down due to time restrictions or things going on in my personal life that might affect my availability to do the review.  If this is the case, I will try and let you know when I might have more time to read and review your book, and you can let me know if that will work for you.

Reviews include the following:

  • Cover art
  • Title, Author, Publisher, Release Date
  • Amazon purchase link
  • Synopsis (usually from
  • Star rating (0-5, with half stars included)
  • My review
  • Information about how the book was acquired


Interviews/Guest Posts/Giveaways

Do you want a special post to go with your review (or in place of a review)?  I’m open to doing interviews, guest posts, giveaways, cover reveals, etc.  I find these types of posts to be enjoyable, and a great way to promote books and get the word out about the author!  If you are interested in any of these types of posts to accompany your review (or just one of these special posts on their own), feel free to send me an e-mail or fill out the form on the contact page, and we can talk about something that works out for you!

Note:  If you are interested in doing a giveaway, I like using RaffleCopter.  You will need to send me information on the prize, pictures, whether the book is signed, an ARC, etc.  Also, please let me know where you are willing to ship prizes…for example, will the giveaway be open to U.S. residents only, or will it be international?


I work with those looking to promote their books, products, or other! I am a member of Blogger Outreach!

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me!