How To Boost Your Fertility

We enjoy a happy ending, but sometimes real life isn’t as clear cut and happy as a novel can be, and when it comes to trying to conceive, although it should be an enjoyable, exciting time, it can instead be stressful, frustrating, and heart-breaking. It can take longer than expected, can end in disappointment, and there might even be fertility issues to contend with.

If it is this latter issue, then it may be possible – although not in all cases, and a medical opinion should always be sought – to boost your fertility naturally. Here are some of the best ways to do it.


Maintain A Healthy Weight

Being either overweight or underweight can affect your fertility. However, by maintaining a good, healthy weight, this could help you to conceive assuming there are no other underlying medical conditions that might be making it difficult to become pregnant.

A body mass index (BMI) of between 19 and 24 is considered ‘healthy’ and is best suited to conceiving a child. Simply going on a crash diet or eating lots of junk food to get yourself into this range is not a good idea; however, you can cause your body more harm than good. It is best to speak to a doctor who will guide you on how to put on or lose weight safely, and for the long term.


Eat Well

Eating well is partly linked to being able to maintain a healthy weight – once you are at your desired weight then if you can eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, you are more likely to stay at that weight, which, as we’ve already indicated, improves your fertility.

Eating well is about more than just weight. If you eat unhealthily, or if you eat too much or too little, even if you eat at irregular times, your reproductive cycle can become irregular. This means that ovulation may not occur, or if it does it is hard to gauge when it will happen. No ovulation makes conceiving impossible, and irregular ovulation makes it very difficult as you cannot determine when your most fertile days are.

To boost your fertility, eat healthily, but also eat at regular times throughout the day. Don’t skip breakfast and lunch and have a big dinner, for example. Eat smaller meals throughout the day, topping up with healthy snacks if you feel hungry in between.


Stay Hydrated

Your body has a lot of problems when you don’t get enough water. You will feel unwell to start with, and you will be confused and unable to think clearly, but your organs will also find it difficult to work as well as they should. This includes your reproductive organs.

When you don’t drink enough water, your cervical fluid will become thick and sluggish. This is a problem as it is this fluid that helps the sperm to move quickly towards the egg. The more water you drink, the more liquid this fluid will be, and the quicker, and more successfully it will be able to bring sperm to the egg.


Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

Consuming a lot of caffeine has been said to cause problems with conception, although exactly why this is, has yet to be established. If you are trying to conceive and you drink a lot of coffee or soft drinks, for example, it might be a good idea to cut this down – it’s better for your health and sleeping patterns, and also certainly can’t hurt your chances of conceiving.

Not everyone can give caffeine up altogether and may suffer from withdrawal symptoms which can be extremely unpleasant and include bad headaches. If you are going to cut down, do so gradually so that you don’t cause yourself unnecessary discomfort.


Speak To Your Doctor

Speaking to your doctor won’t automatically boost your fertility and chances of conceiving, but he or she may be able to come up with some new ideas for you to try including the possibility of IVF treatment. Not everyone likes this idea, of course, and not everyone can consider it due to cost, but if it is a potential option then exploring how it works and what the next steps are with your OB-GYN could be useful.

A thorough examination is always a good idea. You may just assume that you are ‘infertile’ if you have yet to conceive, but there are many reasons that this might be the case, including blocked fallopian tubes, for example. This issue can be solved with medication, and you can ask for details to see if this could be what you need.

The sooner you get checked out by your OB-GYN, the sooner any conditions or issues can be ruled out, or treatment started if that is a possibility.


Take Multivitamins

Taking multivitamins is a good way to top up anything you might be short of through your diet. This means that you will also be boosting your fertility, and potentially making it easier for you to conceive. Taking just three multivitamins per week can be enough to encourage fertility, and that might be all that it takes for you.



When you are tense and stressed your body would eventually put itself into survival mode. When this happens, it may be that your body itself is stopping you from becoming pregnant; after all, if there is a constant threat (which is how your body will process chronic stress) then becoming pregnant would make things more difficult and dangerous, for you and the baby. Therefore, you may become temporarily infertile.

Trying to de-stress and relax more may help you to conceive. Although this can sometimes be easier said than done, there are some things you can try that will potentially help you greatly in this regard including:

  • Massage
  • Taking a bath
  • Listening to music
  • Being creative
  • Watching TV

Do what you can to feel more relaxed and at peace. Not only will this give you more chance of conceiving, but it will make sex more enjoyable too.


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One Response to How To Boost Your Fertility

  1. Seetharam says:

    Very informtive article, thanks for wrting this.
    Seetharam recently posted…Cryopreservation in Fertility TreatmentsMy Profile

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