Monthly Archives: May 2022

Book Title:
A Sincere Warning About the Entity in Your Home
Book Author:
Jarson Arnopp
Page Count:
Publishing Date:
October 18th, 2012
Retribution Books
Date Read:
May 25th, 2022
Kindle Edition



Imagine a supernatural horror story in which the paranormal activity happens within YOUR home.

A SINCERE WARNING ABOUT THE ENTITY IN YOUR HOME takes the form of an anonymous letter sent to YOUR address. It details the terrifying events which happened in your home and which continue to this day.

You have inherited a curse and are being preyed upon by a bone-chilling apparition. This 10,000-word letter from the previous resident advises you how to cope, while detailing the unthinkable ordeal they suffered before you.

A SINCERE WARNING ABOUT THE ENTITY IN YOUR HOME is the ultimate way to scare yourself in your own home, because it's the only ghost story which takes place IN your home. Dare you read it?

My Review

What originally drew me into this book was the whole premise about it being a letter written by an anonymous author to you, the reader, talking about paranormal events that have happened in the home that you are currently residing … Continue reading

4 stars
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Book Title:
The Cement Garden
Book Author:
Ian McEwan
Page Count:
Publishing Date:
January 13th, 1994
Date Read:
May 17th, 2022


First Father died, then Mother. Now the four children are left alone in a house that looks like a castle stranded among grim high-rises. Free of supervision, free of restraint, they can do anything. Be anything. As long as they keep the house's secret.

In this tour de force of psychological unease, Ian McEwan excavates the ruins of childhood and uncovers things that most adults have spent a lifetime forgetting - or denying. Out of blasphemous wishes and hair-raising games, he constructs a novel that is all the more chilling for its offhand approach to the unspeakable.

My Review

There is…a lot to unpack with The Cement Garden. First of all, it’s my ideal book – incredibly dark and unsettling – a thriller that you won’t soon forget. It’s hard to find a thriller that truly unnerves me and … Continue reading

4 stars
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  Did you know the largest church in the world, St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, can hold up to 60,000 people? That’s more than the largest baseball stadium in the United States! Although attending church is often a strong … Continue reading

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